Located on the Red Sea, Sharm el Sheikh is one of the most sought-after diving destinations in the world.

Its turquoise waters and rich marine biodiversity create a perfect environment for divers of all levels.

The dive sites here are true underwater gems, offering unique views and marine wildlife encounters that will leave you breathless.

1. Ras Mohammed National Park

Located at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, Ras Mohammed National Park is a diving paradise. With vertical coral walls, breathtaking coral gardens and a variety of marine species, this dive site is a must-see for marine nature lovers.

2. Straits of Tiran

The Straits of Tiran are famous for fascinating currents and vibrant marine life. Also known for thrilling wrecks, the narrows offer exciting and surprising dives for divers of all levels.


3. Shark e Yolanda Reef

This dive site is renowned for ocean shark encounters. The reef here is spectacular, and during the right season, you might be lucky enough to see a spectacle of sharks plying the waters.




Explore the Diver’s Wonders in the Heart of the Straits of Tiran

If you dream of an unforgettable diving adventure during your Sharm El Sheikh holiday, the Strait of Tiran is the diving paradise you’ve been looking for. Each dive site in this area offers a unique experience, and here we will guide you through the underwater wonders of the four main sites: Woodhouse, Thomas, Gordon, and Jackson.

Woodhouse Reef

Woodhouse Reef: A World of Colors and Emotions

The Woodhouse Reef dive site, located between Thomas and Jackson, is a must-see for marine life lovers. Its long, narrow shape offers a spectacular landscape, with colorful walls, alcyonaria and clownfish dancing among the anemones. Nudibranchs, fascinating little creatures, hide among the rocks, while hammerhead sharks, whitetip sharks, tuna and eagle rays pass strategically through this fascinating dive site. The moderate current allows you to fully enjoy the walls of Woodhouse Reef.


Thomas Reef: Canyons and Arches for Deep Diving Enthusiasts

Thomas Reef, the second site in the Strait of Tiran, is a unique experience. Famous for its canyons and powerful current, this site is a concentration of marine life. You will be able to meet clownfish, pufferfish, giant moray eels, multicolored moray eels and much more. The Thomas Arches, starting at 35 meters and ending at 90 metres, are a stunning feature. Recommended for deep diving enthusiasts and technical divers, Thomas Reef offers an unforgettable adventure.

gordon reef

Gordon Reef: From Sand to Deep Seabed

Gordon Reef is unique in the Strait of Tiran, offering a sandy bottom also suitable for snorkeling. The vertical wall hosts exciting encounters with white tip sharks, gray sharks and green turtles. The wreck of the Louilla ship, which sank in the 1990s, adds a touch of history to this dive site. Suitable for divers of all levels, Gordon Reef is a paradise for lovers of underwater photography thanks to ideal current, visibility and light conditions.

Jackson Reef

Jackson Reef: The Underwater Garden and the Hammerhead Shark Encounters

The Jackson Reef dive site, in the northern part of the Strait of Tiran, is famous for its unique underwater garden. Here, the remains of the wreck of the Lara ship offer a suggestive backdrop. The variable current, good visibility and extraordinary marine life make Jackson Reef one of the ten must-see sites in Sharm El Sheikh. During the summer, it is possible to spot tuna, trevally, turtles, eagle rays, manta rays and hammerhead sharks.


Explore the Underwater Wonders of Sharm El Sheikh: From Exciting Ras Umm Sid to Ras Nasrani

If you are a diving enthusiast, Sharm El Sheikh offers a unique diving paradise, with a variety of exceptional sites. From the spectacular panorama of Ras Umm Sid to the evocative depth of Tower Canyon, we will explore together the submerged beauties along the coast of this extraordinary destination.


Ras Umm Sid: A Fascinating Coral Wall

Located in the southern area of ​​Diving Local, Ras Umm Sid is a promontory overlooking the Red Sea, offering breathtaking views. The coral wall, which begins at around 8 metres, extends into depth, offering an extraordinary underwater spectacle.

Exploration of the Coral Wall

Merging along the wall, you will be surrounded by the beauty of the Gorgonians and a multitude of colorful fish. Ras Umm Sid is renowned as one of the finest local dive sites, with a variety of marine life populating the area. The current, especially at the north end, is variable, but the richness of the underwater fauna makes every dive an unforgettable experience.

Summer Encounters with Large Predators

During the summer months, Ras Umm Sid becomes a strategic point for sighting majestic Whale Sharks, White Tip Sharks and Hammerhead Sharks. A few meters into the blue, you may find them sharing space with you, giving you a unique diving experience.

Tower Canyon

Tower Canyon: Un Mondo Verticale di Meraviglie Subacquee

Spostiamoci ora verso la zona centro-sud di Sharm El Sheikh, dove troverai il suggestivo sito di immersione Tower Canyon. Caratterizzato da una spaccatura verticale, questo sito offre un’immersione che parte dai 20 metri fino a raggiungere una profondità impressionante di 130 metri.

Esplorazione del Pianoro Sabbioso

Uscendo dalla spaccatura, raggiungerai un pianoro sabbioso circondato da pinnacoli ricchi di vita. Qui, incontri con pesci pelagici come Tonni, Carangidi, Mante, Aquile di Mare e occasionali avvistamenti di Squali Grigi sono all’ordine del giorno. La visibilità è buona tutto l’anno, rendendo Tower Canyon un luogo ideale per subacquei avanzati e tecnici.

Middle Garden

Gardens: Tre Gioielli Sommersi nel Cuore delle Immersioni Local

I Gardens sono situati nella zona centrale delle immersioni Local, costituiti da tre diversi giardini che offrono un’esperienza subacquea variegata.

Near Garden: Tartarughe ed Aquile di Mare

Il primo giardino, chiamato Near Garden, accoglie i subacquei con un pianoro sabbioso dove è comune incontrare tartarughe ed aquile di mare. Coralli di fuoco, alcionari e gorgonie rendono questo giardino un’oasi di colori e forme.

Fiddle Garden: Avventure Tra Pinnacoli e Squali Leopardo

Il secondo giardino, Fiddle Garden, offre emozionanti avventure tra pinnacoli che terminano sulla parete. Avvistamenti di Squali Leopardo e Squali Pinna Bianca aggiungono un tocco di adrenalina all’immersione.

Far Garden: La Magica “Cattedrale” a 35 Metri

Il terzo giardino, Far Garden, è famoso per la sua “Cattedrale” a circa 35 metri di profondità. All’interno di questa spaccatura, troverai bellissimi alcionari e gorgonie. La corrente e la visibilità variano a seconda della stagione, rendendo ogni immersione unica.

Ras nasrani

Ras Nasrani: Un’Esplosione di Colori e Vita nella Zona Nord

Situato nella zona nord di Sharm El Sheikh, Ras Nasrani è una delle ultime immersioni Local che affascina i subacquei con le sue acque dal colore blu intenso.

Incontri Indimenticabili

Le acque di Ras Nasrani sono popolate da alcionari e gorgonie dai colori vivaci. Gli emozionanti avvistamenti di Squali Martello, Squali Pinna Bianca, Mante e grandi tonni in caccia rendono questa immersione unica. La corrente può essere sostenuta, soprattutto sulla punta del sito, ma la variabilità della visibilità contribuisce a creare un’esperienza subacquea avvincente.


Explore the Underwater Wonders of Ras Mohammed National Park

Welcome to the heart of breathtaking diving in Ras Mohammed, an underwater paradise rich in biodiversity and breathtaking underwater landscapes. Let’s discover together some of the most extraordinary experiences that this unique national park in the world has to offer.


Shark & ​​Jolanda Reef: A Unique Underwater Ballet

Considered by many to be one of the most fascinating dives in Ras Mohammed, Shark & ​​Jolanda Reef transforms during the summer into a strategic meeting point for schools of snappers, ready to hunt their prey. Jumping on Shark Reef means finding yourself surrounded by myriads of almost immobile fish, an experience to live at least once in your life!

The unique and fairly sustained current adds an element of excitement, creating an ideal environment for those wishing to dive to the depths of Ras Mohammed. We are sure that you will want to stay for hours and hours admiring the underwater spectacle that only this national park can offer.

Shark Reef is a vertical wall connected to Yolanda Reef by the famous ‘saddle’. Here, you will encounter large moray eels, Napoleon wrasses and, with a bit of luck, you will be able to spot some pelagic creatures and sharks in the blue. A dive usually done in drift, this experience is an unforgettable journey into the secrets of the sea.

The name Yolanda Reef comes from the ship Yolanda, which lost its cargo in 1980, sinking to a depth of over 160 metres. Even today, some of the cargo, including bathtubs and sanitary fixtures, is visible in the site’s garden at a depth of 15-18 meters.

Eel Garden

Eel Garden: A Dive into the Deep Blue

Located in the central area of ​​Ras Mohammed Park, Eel Garden is a recommended dive site for advanced divers. The depth of the site exceeds 25 meters, offering a one-of-a-kind adventure.

With a leap into the blue, we find ourselves surrounded by schools of Trevally hunting about 100 meters from the wall. A promontory rises from the sandy seabed, opening the door to a spectacular Eel Garden Canyon. The current, usually strong, makes this dive exciting, while sightings of Gray Sharks and White Tip Sharks are frequent.

Recommended for technical divers, this site offers the possibility of exploring the Canyon in depth and, with a bit of luck, admiring the Arch beyond 40 meters of depth.


Jackfish Alley: A One-of-a-Kind Underwater Ballet

The particular morphology of Jackfish Alley, located in Ras Mohammed Park, makes this dive a unique experience. Completely immersed in the “Current”, you will witness a rare natural spectacle: groups of Trevally hunting on groups of fusilier fish.

In the external part of the site, sightings of Manta Rays, White Tip Sharks, Black Tip Sharks and Gray Sharks are frequent. A small cave accessible to all adds a touch of adventure to this dive. Visibility is generally good, although it can reduce slightly during the winter.

Ras Ghozlani

Ras Ghozlani: An Undersea Treasure North of Ras Mohammed

Located in Ras Mohammed North, the Ras Ghozlani site is characterized by a sandy seabed dotted with life-rich pinnacles. Gorgonians, Fire Corals, Shrimps and Nudibranchs are easy to spot.

A cave accessible to all is the hallmark of this site, and inside, a wall of Glass Fish creates an almost surreal atmosphere. Sea Eagles, Manta Rays and Hammerhead Sharks are possible sightings in the “Blue”, beyond the sandy seabed. The current is moderate, with good visibility throughout the year.


Fascinating Exploration of Shipwrecks in Sharm El Sheikh: An Undersea Journey Between History and Nature

Discovering the submerged secrets of sunken ships is a unique experience that mixes history, adventure and natural beauty. On this diving tour, let’s dive the three most evocative wrecks in Sharm El Sheikh: Dunraven, Million Hope and Thistlegorm.


Dunraven: A Journey into the Past of Maritime Trade

The ship Dunraven, built entirely of wood way back in 1873, is shrouded in gripping tales of a tragic fate. Transporting cotton and spices from India, the Dunraven, due to a navigation error or perhaps an argument on board, collided with the Shaa’b Mahmoud coral reef in 1977. Today, the wreck appears upside down at 30 meters of depth, offering underwater explorers a breathtaking view of corals that adorn its structure. Inside, remains of boilers and engine parts bear witness to its glorious past.


Kormoran Wreck: A Wreck That Surfaces

In August 1984, the Kormoran, loaded with phosphates and coming from Aqaba, sank on the reef of Tiran Island due to a navigation error. Today, diving on this wreck offers an interesting experience for divers in Sharm el Sheikh. Located a few minutes of navigation from the North Laguna lighthouse, the Kormoran wreck lies on the seabed between 6 and 2 meters deep, approximately 80 meters long. It is easily identifiable by the stern which partially emerges from the water. The stern structures, propeller, engine, rudder and winches are well preserved, and the name of the ship is still clearly visible on the bow side. The area is populated by numerous and gigantic acropora, making the dive even more suggestive.


Thistlegorm: An Immersion into the History of the Second World War

The Thistlegorm, one of the most famous shipwrecks in the world, is a symbol of the war past. Built in 1940 as a military supply ship, she was torpedoed and sunk in the Gulf of Suez in 1941. Jacques Cousteau discovered her existence in the 1950s, keeping her secret until the 1990s. Today, the Thistlegorm is a submerged museum, with an open hull that allows easy access to holds containing ammunition, motorcycles and other historical artifacts. The dive requires an advanced certification, but the reward is an extraordinary journey through the debris of World War II.


Million Hope: The Pacific Giant

The Million Hope, an imposing Japanese ship from 1972, tells a different story. 170 meters long and 25 meters wide, it transported precious barrels of potassium and phosphates. In 1996, due to an uncontrollable fire, the ship ran aground on the reef during its passage through the Strait of Tiran. Today, its exterior is populated by vibrant nudibranchs, while explorers can fly over the decks and visit crew quarters at depths of 6 to 20 meters.



Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, GOAT Diving is ready to take you on unforgettable underwater adventures. Our highly trained instructors will guide you through the underwater wonders, ensuring you feel safe and comfortable at all times.


Our boats are designed to ensure maximum comfort during your diving trips. Equipped with the latest safety technologies and spaces for relaxation, our boats will take you to the most exciting places with style and tranquility.


Our team of local guides is made up of passionate divers who know every corner of the Red Sea. They are ready to share their knowledge of marine life and ensure that each of your dives is a unique experience.


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Shrarm El Sheik under the sea!
